8 Buyers' Guide

2021 MABWA Buyers' Guide

When making decisions to purchase products and supplies for your company, consider contacting our MABWA Supplier Companies listed below.

Allied Purchasing Company

Allied Purchasing Company
1334 18th Street SW
PO Box 1249
Mason City, IA 50428

Kari Mondt: kari@alliedpurchasing.com
Brian Janssen: brian@alliedpurchasing.com
Steve Husome: shusome@alliedpurchasing.com

Telephone: 800.247.5956
Fax: 800.635.3775
Website: www.alliedpurchasing.com

PET Bottles, 5-gal. polycarbonate, & PET, Ingredients, Resin (HDPE & PET), Shrink & Stretch Wrap, Caps & Closures, Water Coolers, Racks, Cups & Dispensers, Crocks, Pumps, Filters & Housings, UV, Tanks, P.O.U. Products, Salt, Chemicals, Coffee & Uniforms

Blackhawk Molding Co Inc

Blackhawk Molding Co Inc
120 W Interstate Rd
Addison, IL 60101

Dale Berg: dberg@blackhawkmolding.com
Roy Parsons: rparsons@blackhawkmolding.com
Kathy Molnor: kmolnor@blackhawkmolding.com

Telephone: 630.543.3900
Fax: 630.543.3904

Closures, SafeGard & Traditional - 38mm caps, Press On (POIII), Single Thread or Quad (4 Thread) - Capping Equipment - Labels - SureGrip Carrying Handles, Aqua Starka

Collection Bureau of America

Collection Bureau of America
25954 Eden Landing Rd.
Hayward, CA 94545

Shawn DeLuna: shawn@collectionbureauofamerica.com

Telephone: 510.781.5128
Fax: 510.781.5129

A full service collection agency who understands the products and the equipment aspect of this industry. CBA offers account receivable recovery programs that fit within your business model.

Edge Analytical Inc

Edge Analytical Inc
1620 S Walnut St.
Burlington, WA 98233-3231

Allen French: afrench@edgeanalytical.com

TEL: 360.757.1400
Fax: 360.757.1402

Water Testing Lab. Annual, quarterly, monthly compliance testing.

Good Pac Plastics

Good Pac Plastics
PO Box 16589
Atlanta, GA 30321-0589

Jim Goodwin: jim@goodpac.com
Gene Ross: gene@goodpac.com

Telephone: 404.363.8978
Fax: 404.363.8979

PET Bottles, Plastic Bottles

Polymer Solutions International

Polymer Solutions International
PO Box 310
Newton Square, PA 19073

Steve Kurth: skurth@prostack.com.
Telephone: 414.422.8507

Oasis International

Oasis International
222 East Campus View Blvd.
Columbus, OH 43235

Rej Tellier: rtellier@oasiscoolers.com
Ann Boyd: aboyd@oasiscoolers.com

TEL: 800.950.3226
Fax: 614.322.4557

Bottled & POU water coolers and Accessories.

Reily Beverage Company

Reily Beverage Company
72072 Highway 1077
Covington, Louisiana 70433

Ray Rayburn Ray@evamor.com

Telephone: 501-607-2717
Website: www.reilybevco.com

Reily Beverages offers Evamor Water, Luzianne Tea and New England Coffee

Silgan Closures

Silgan Closures
1140 31st St.
Downers Grove, IL 60515

Mitch Turnipseed Mitch.Turnipseed@silganclosures.com

Phone: 724-730-9064
Website: www.silgancls.com

Silgan is a world leader in the food and beverage closure manufacturing industry. We are trusted and reliable experts when it comes to packaging technology and equipment. We are proud of our commitment to sustainability and dedication to educating our community.

Star Solutions, Inc

Star Solutions, Inc
P O Box 39
2318 Center Ste 101
Deer Park, TX 77536

Velma Roppolo

Telephone: 281.542.1000
Fax: 281.542.1001

Bottle Wash Compounds, Cooler Cleaners, Floor & Wall Cleaners, Equipment & Transportation Cleaners, scale removers, ro membrane cleaners.

Steelhead, Inc.

Steelhead, Inc.
P O Box 240487
San Antonio, TX 78224

David Redick: dredick@steelheadinc.com
Ricardo Bunt: ricardo.bunt@steelheadinc.com

Telephone: 210.628.1066
Fax: 210.628.1818

Water bottling and purification systems.

Sterling Containers

Sterling Containers
370 Woodcreek Lane
Fayetteville, GA 30215

Scott Kuehn: scott@sterlingbottles.com
Mike Scholz: mike@sterlingbottles.com

Telephone: 770.716.9828
Fax: 770.234.5769

5 Gallon PET Bottles.

The Waterways Company

The Waterways Company
30021 Tomas Suite 300
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

Lynette MacFee lynette@thewaterwayscompany.com

Fax: 770.234.5769
Website: www.thewaterwayscompany.com/a>